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RandomCDN180 karma

In Canada at least this is a law.

RandomCDN15 karma

I found this book very helpful in understanding a family member problems. "I Am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help!: How to Help Someone with Mental Illness Accept Treatment" By Xavier Amado

RandomCDN3 karma

Ha the last time I did valet as I'm driving to the hotel I start trying to stuff the change from the console into a pocket and it hits me that A it's not likely the valet would risk his job over 3 buck in change and B if he did, I would be out only 3 dollars in change , I dumped it back in the console and it was still there when I got the car back.

RandomCDN3 karma



Turner Syndrome (TS) is a condition that affects only girls and women. It is identified by a difference in the genetic make-up of those who are affected. Most girls and women have two complete X chromosomes (the sex chromosomes for females). Turner Syndrome is caused by the absence of all or part of the second X chromosome in some or all of the cells of the body.

What health & social issues could be associated with TS?

Each individual with TS is unique. This list presents some of the potential issues which may or may not be present

• Short stature; average height is 4' 9" (144 cm)

• Infertility

• Heart abnormalities

• Hearing problems including chronic or recurrent middle ear infections and hearing loss

• Feeding problems in infancy & childhood

• Kidney and urinary tract differences

• Diabetes

• Puffy hands and feet, edema may persist into adulthood

• Pigmented moles on skin

• Eye problems (drooping eyelids, "lazy" eye)

• Cataracts

• Wide and short neck with excess skin that joins the neck with collar bone ("neck webbing")

• High arched palate with associated dental problems

• Broad chest

• Curvature of the spine (scoliosis)

• Overweight

• Brittle bones (osteoporosis)

• High blood pressure

• Visual spatial learning challenges

• Difficulty with social skill

RandomCDN3 karma

So why dont you add a c-store? not enough space?