Highest Rated Comments

RealCatLawyer514 karma

The others were afraid to laugh, because we were in the virtual courtroom. But they told me it took all they had to keep from laughing. I'm not even kitten you!

RealCatLawyer329 karma

The judge released the footage so it was OK to be released. I'm glad it brought a smile to millions of people after our stressful year. (If there's follow up, the basic premise is that the Judge makes the rules for his/her court proceedings. The non-recording directive only applied to 3rd parties.)

Here's the video on my youtube channel, we'll be putting up some of the best clips and other content soon as well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqv9mnbD2vg&feature=youtu.be

RealCatLawyer289 karma

My niece has two young daughters suffering from an exceedingly rare disease - NPC1 - only 100 children in the US have this disease - childhood Alzheimer's. We're raising money to conduct research to cure this rare disease.

We're selling Firefly Fund T-shirts right now for which all the proceeds go directly to their non-profit. The link is near the bottom of my website https://realcatlawyer.com/

RealCatLawyer222 karma

What a unique request, it's so exciting to see how Reddit can connect you with so many people! I'd love to talk with you, send me PM and we can set that up. I'll also send you a coupon code to our store soon at https://www.realcatlawyer.com so you can get a free Real Cat Lawyer Sticker of your choice!

RealCatLawyer194 karma
