Highest Rated Comments

ReallyJustRelax557 karma

Did you ever lampoon a film on MST3k that you felt bad about mocking later? Like maybe you made a mean-ish joke about an actor or a director who turned out to be a really great guy? I know Joe Don Baker really didn't appreciate being the butt of many butt related jokes in Mitchell for example.

ReallyJustRelax93 karma

Sad? He packed a sandwich he made himself that had to have the ingredients HE wanted. At least he wasn't eating someone else's convention sandwich.

ReallyJustRelax21 karma

Nic Cage is glad you're talking about Woody Harrelson and Rampart instead of Left Behind.

ReallyJustRelax21 karma

Cavé Dwellers? I went to school with Cavé Dwellers...

ReallyJustRelax4 karma

Thanks for the answer, Joel! He did kind of look like a 60 year old teenager, I can only imagine he aged well. Good on Arch Hall Jr he sounds like a great sport.