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RedRox10 karma

I travelled through Syria a while ago. The people were very friendly. I remember in Damascus near the Grand Bazaar there was a church, which i found a bit surprising. How are Christians generally treated in Syria prior to ISIS and how are they treated now?

RedRox1 karma

How was Wellington, NZ for you? :)

RedRox1 karma

Any thoughts on macrophilia?

RedRox1 karma

I'm in NZ and vaccinated. But I'm curious on the numbers.

We are trying to get people willing to get the vaccine so our newspapers have advertisements. One of these is the risk of a severe covid illness is published at "around 5%". BMJ studies in Israel also found it was around 8% of severe illness (hospitalised cases) from people who have been vaccinated.

To me , 5% - 8% of people seems like it's the same level of severity with or without the vaccine.

My other question regards the 95% effectiveness (Pfizer). Is this per contact?...i.e i'm in a room with 20 people who are vaccinated and 1 who has the virus, then 1 person on average will then get the virus. If the following day 20 people return, and another person with the virus comes in, will it be 1/20 chance again?

To me it has to be a per contact chance.

The UK have a 30% antibody rate just from having had the virus - which is a huge "vaccinated" base (and another 50% have received at least the 1st dose). I'm curious because NZ has almost noone exposed (I would think less than 1% of the population) and we have border restrictions in place (quarrantine). At some point our borders will open again - We might be lucky to get around 60% vaccinated. Which basically means a shitload of people are going to die. Whats you take on this situation?