Highest Rated Comments

Rick0r46 karma

Much respect for actually answering. So many times those "who's the worst" questions get ignored in IAmA's

Rick0r25 karma

Trying to fix that damn boiler.

Rick0r22 karma

So you're saying I need two wives; a supermodel breeder, and a brain surgeon caregiver.

Rick0r1 karma

Do you think that the public needs to have more visibility over what's going on in Afghanistan? Any particular areas that should be more visible?

Either to let them see that it's far more grey than just a black & white "American = good, Arab = bad" which seems to be an unfortunately common view of a lot of Americans for the last decade or so.. Or maybe to let them see the evidence behind the idea that a military presence is having a positive/negative effect on the region. (I only include positive and negative because the general public is only really fed what they're allowed to be fed via softball media. Very different to say, the media showing the Vietnam war realities on TV as the family sits down to dinner, and making an informed decision about how they feel about the actions being taken)

Rick0r1 karma

Thanks for the reply. I find it very fascinating that the media of the 60's & early 70's was all about showing the public footage and stories from Vietnam that the government didn't want you to see - exposing the credibility gap between the statements the government said about the situation, and the footage and stories that got leaked by journalists. - But now, the nightly news reel is bottom effort stories, about whatever they've been told they're allowed to say that night.