Highest Rated Comments

RiflePoet20 karma

Also, lobbying efforts and therefore our current election funding system is really the root of the problem. So basically, Lessig, yo! http://www.rootstrikers.org/

RiflePoet17 karma

Have you seen The Gate Keepers?


If yes, then what is your opinion? If no, would you want to?

RiflePoet7 karma

For Lessig: was it a tactical decision to raise the first million, then IMMEDIATELY launch into the 5 million campaign? As a donor I would have preferred to see some small results at the very least before being asked to contribute again. For example a district win. Can you please explain the process there?

RiflePoet7 karma

*is not the speech...

RiflePoet2 karma

If this movement had a song, what would it be? Or can we make one?!!