Highest Rated Comments

RinBird19 karma

I share and link to your site any time a friend complains about some new (or old) facebook feature. I've otherwise forgotten about many of the annoyances until I see a post about it. Good news is more and more of my friends use the program!

RinBird13 karma

Hi Matt! Thanks for all you do! Do you ever get any responces or push-back from facebook for making it possible to hide features they want to make money from (sponsored posts, various other frames)

RinBird11 karma

It just occured to me that I should tag @Social Fixer in these posts as well instead of just socialfixer.com, to send them to the facebook site as well. Would Matt see those posts as well? (not totally clear on facebook privacy settings as usual)

RinBird11 karma

Do you think there will ever be a way to filter "shares" from particular pages? I can filter app specific posts from showing up, but I can't filter pictures that my farmville playing friends post from the "friends of farmville" pages. Hiding them all individually is workable, but a filter would be better.

RinBird11 karma

Ahh, all of my posts are "friends only" though I don't pay close attention to all of my friends settings. I do spread the word when I can though :D

Interestingly, the first post on that search link was the same topic as another question I just posted here.