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RobertHirst12 karma

All term limits do is make the lobbyist the smartest in the room.

RobertHirst3 karma

Whoa, you sir deserve an upvote. More people like you need to run for office I am very impressed by this answer. Campaign finance reform is a must and I hope you come back to do an IAMA on the day you fight for it's passage in Congress.

RobertHirst3 karma

Well I was referring to the new bussiness tax, but also the new taxes on seniors. My mother and father live in Michigan, they have planned there whole lives for retirement but now all there plans are worth nothing. So kinda both I suppose, the business and senior tax, I understand sometimes you got to knock down the foundation to start over but that's pretty rough.

All of that kind of gets to the bigger question though, people for good or bad don't feel like they can trust their elected officals. It is the same thing that has your oppenet and so many other offficals in trouble, this quote is from a founder of Reddit and I think sums it up very well: " It’s just so frustrating because we look at Congress and we can’t see them do anything that’s important. They can’t solve the problems of unemployment, they can’t solve the problems of the deficit. Yet as soon as a lobbyist shows up with $94 million, Democrats and Republicans line up to co-sponsor it. Something is wrong.” Why do you think these SOPA co-sponsors thought it was ok to essentially talk from both sides of there mouth?

RobertHirst3 karma

Welcome Senator! Thanks for doing an IAMA. I have seen Michigan lately on some national news shows, mostly about the Emergency Financial Manager laws but also the new tax system that was put in place which is very troubling. Do you think there is an ideal or a one size fits all tax system that could be put into place in DC?

Also it looks like your opponent hasn’t had trouble making the news but for all the wrong reasons, it is always shock when an elected official abuses power. He might have been DC for a few to many terms.