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RubyRedTootsies3 karma

Hi Jason! Thanks for doing AMA today! I saw "The Gift" last night out here in Las Vegas at The Palms Brendan Theatres. I have to say it was absolutely AMAZINGLY done! FABULOUS!!! I am a psychologist and love it when a great psych-thriller comes along.

I admit, I was surprised to see Jason Bateman co-starring in "The Gift" since he's known for comedy. Did you approach Bateman or did he hear about this great story and approach you? How did you get him for this role?

RubyRedTootsies2 karma

Yes! JOEL! I forgot the name of the actor playing "Gordo". He was creepy as F---!

Do you find it is easier or harder to work with the writer/director who ALSO is a lead in the movie?

RubyRedTootsies2 karma

Hi Alex! Thanx for making the Deep Web documentary. I'm very excited to see the final product on this subject matter!!!

Question: Do you have an ETA for the rest of the Kickstarter rewards for Deep Web?

RubyRedTootsies2 karma

For those of us budding filmmakers, is there a particular class, DVD or book you recommend on how-to-film documentaries?

RubyRedTootsies2 karma

I missed meeting Diane Keaton and buying a signed bottle of her wine for this. I hope you appreciate my priorities? :)