Highest Rated Comments

SOLUNAR50 karma

once people started challenging the statistics, he was attacked by a Drone.

But we might never know if OP was al Qaeda or not :(

SOLUNAR41 karma

pardon le ignorance.

But isnt 2.5% pretty high? its like saying there is a 2.5% chance i will end up somewhere else.

SOLUNAR3 karma

"I also believe intellectual property (patent and copyright) is completely unjust, statist, protectionist, and utterly incompatible with private property rights, capitalism...."

Hmm i often see IP as a big incentive for people to go and develop these great things, services and products. You think that IP is incompatible with this? Id love to see hear your take.

I just see the need to protect one's own work as an incentive for putting the work. I think many authors, artist and other folks would be less likely to put so much work and time into their works if there was a possibility of straight out plagiarism, or others exploiting their work for their own gain.

Things like pharmaceuticals that spend hundreds of millions would have little to no incentive in having the groundwork done, if anyone could just come and steal the work?

Interested in the opinion

SOLUNAR2 karma

No questions, you are just my favorite comedian!

I do agree a dog should not be subjected to the crazy lifestyle of a dentist though

SOLUNAR2 karma

heres the difference. The education does not depreciate, you do as a candidate. You are becoming less desirable since you are not picking up any skills, but when the job is available. The education will still be needed, you just might not be the best candidate