Highest Rated Comments

Sarbanes_Foxy691 karma

Oh, man. She was dynamite.

Sarbanes_Foxy681 karma

Awww...Mr. Sheffield

Sarbanes_Foxy681 karma

The mother was constantly flitting from one home business to another. Selling embroidered children's clothes, turning old wine bottles into candles, Scentsy, custom handbags, you name it. She was constantly hosting these trunk shows and parties, at her house and at other venues.

One afternoon, she called me four times in a row while I was in school, and I stepped out of class to answer assuming it was an emergency. She was flying off the handle because her friend had forgotten to buy flowers for whatever inane party she was having that afternoon. So I swallowed my rage and said I would stop at Kroger and buy flowers.

"Oh, God. Kroger flowers? Absolutely not."

"What then, ma'am?"

"You have to get them from --some random boutique local florist---"

Sigh "Okay"

I go to said florist, bring home what I considered a very beautiful set of flowers.

This woman literally BREAKS DOWN IN TEARS because I got the wrong flowers. I had to go upstairs and play with the jack-in-the-box with her two-year-old to calm the fuck down.

Sarbanes_Foxy624 karma

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and venture that she wasn't thinking about anyone else...ever.

Sarbanes_Foxy555 karma

Ask his wife