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Seangonzo7940 karma

I got a great one out of Tannenbaum, so I'll ask if you have a great Rex Ryan story to tell us today?

Can't wait to see just how great you'll be in your career Mo, all my best!

Seangonzo7935 karma

Why did Schottenheimer retain his job for such a long time when his schemes were generally proving ineffective? I apologize for being so forward but a fella can only yell at his television so much.

What is your biggest regret from your tenure with the Jets?

Do you have a great Rex Ryan story to share?

Seangonzo794 karma

Awesome to see you on here Ran, you're one of my favorite rappers around, I was devastated yesterday when I found out my Language Arts case/signed booklet was ruined by a frozen soda can in my car's center console

What was your favorite book have the kids read while you were teaching, and could you share a story or two from the front lines?

Also, will you be touring New York in the near future? I know you're based in the West Coast but it sucks that I missed you last time you were here.

Seangonzo794 karma

In NY we generally call them "Ices" or "oh my god give me ones"

We also eat Fla-Vor-Ices not Otter Pops

Seangonzo792 karma

Left the Diet Mountain Dew it in the center console the other day when it was cold but above freezing. Ended up being sick for a few days and it sat around in my car and exploded. Discovered it yesterday when I was going to have it with my lunch.

If I had the money I would definitely do Pax East but my budget is more of a Brooklyn hipster bar like where I saw you were performing that night I had work