Highest Rated Comments

SgtMajorProblems471 karma

Is GA or anywhere you know of offering special accommodations for special needs students? I feel like it's lose-lose for them and their families whether remote or in-person

SgtMajorProblems19 karma

Thanks for your response. It makes sense - teaching is already way top demanding. Now to make it this risky and uncertain is beyond unfair. I don't blame anyone for getting out if they can - it's up to our policymakers to take care of our educators if we do actually care about children. I'm glad your wife and OP have the means and support to get out of such a shitty situation.

SgtMajorProblems3 karma

Two somewhat ignorant/weird questions:

  1. Could you see it used in therapeutic ways? (Sort of like EMDR maybe)

  2. Working off the idea of "desensitization" - could you see this used in the medical field for training? Any ideas on what the psychological effects are versus traditional exposure/observation desensitization? I guess question is would you become desensitized to where the filter is not needed. (Thinking of medical field and combat applications here).

SgtMajorProblems2 karma

I could see ethics approval being difficult especially for a longitudinal study.

It's pretty incredible, thanks for your work!