Highest Rated Comments

ShaneHudson26 karma

This is a great question. Do you think it works well when web developers work on standards or should we leave it to the people that work on standards day in day out?

ShaneHudson13 karma

Hi Matt, I'm a long time WordPress dev (since day 1 moreorless) so thanks very much for starting it. Just wondering what your opinion of Ghost is? http://www.tryghost.org/

ShaneHudson6 karma

Firstly, thanks for the Web... hardly anything in my life would have happened this way without it.

1) Where do you see the web heading over the next 5, 10, 25 years?

2) Are you pleased/proud of how the web has turned out? Or do you regret some of the paths it has taken?

3) If you had to describe the web to somebody that had never heard of it, what would you say?

By the way, I wrote a very tiny blog post titled 'What is the web', feel free to read it :) http://www.shanehudson.net/2014/03/11/what-is-the-web/

ShaneHudson3 karma

Hi Bill,

Since you've left microsoft you have done a lot of truly great things (which I believe have seriously improved your perceived image). What will being back at Microsoft let you achieve? And how do you think the perceived image of Microsoft can be improved?

ShaneHudson2 karma

What's your opinion regarding the Indie Web? http://indiewebcamp.com/