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ShinyBlueUnicorn29 karma

Hi Mr. Tin. It's great to have you here. I remember having Baba Yetu on loop back in middle school, and was one the reasons why I got into the Civ series, which is why I miss hearing the song every time I boot up Civ5. It's a beautiful song.

Have you been approached by other video game developers to compose, or would you be interested in working on a game? I would love to hear more of your work elsewhere.

ShinyBlueUnicorn14 karma

I have gone back multiple times. I went back this past winter, and I plan to visit again for a 6-month trip in 2014 to visit family and take photographs of North and South Vietnam. My land is beautiful, and I want to make sure i get photographs of it.

ShinyBlueUnicorn14 karma

  1. In Vietnam, I actually worked for the US for three years. I worked for the US Army and government, which is a large reason why I was granted a chance here in the US. I worked the supply rooms to make sure everything was in place and stocked well. I had a chance to speak with some US government officials, and had access to their print, magazines, and books. I knew from that point on that the US was the best, and others thought the same. Initially, I believed the US represented absolute freedom, the American dream, and I still believe that now.

  2. The economy is still growing. However, the government steals money and bribes are still a huge problem, and human rights are still being debated to this day. At this point, there are only two levels of wealth; either you're very poor or very rich. We're progressing, but lots of work needs to be done to fix our country. Either way, I love my country, and like many other Vietnamese people, we are proud to be who we are.

ShinyBlueUnicorn8 karma

Sponsors helped us a lot. The sponsors knew that I was a good artist, and helped me seek out a job doing that. The car industry in Michigan was still strong during this time, so I was able to get a job at General Motors as a designer. The sponsors also helped us with rent, utilities, and food for the first few months. It really helped.

I do not know any Hmong people, but I know they are very strong people. I'm glad many were successful. Thank you.

ShinyBlueUnicorn7 karma

1) It was very lonely. It took us a lot effort to get used to the new land. Freedom is key. It was a struggle up until 1984 did we land the first big step. There was an ad in the paper offering a designer/artist position at General Motors in Detroit, and I got the job. It was then did our dreams come true. I've worked there for 26 years, and I am now retired. I am very happy with the security pension I've received from GM.

2) If you work hard, you will get somewhere. People in Vietnam cannot say the same thing. It's easy to go through life without challenging yourself in this country.