Highest Rated Comments

ShrikeGFX202 karma

Yes, working on it!

ShrikeGFX137 karma

Yes, this is really survivorship bias here, statistically I think 98% of games on steam are not profitable (?) and spending 3 years on something you have no clue if it will work is definitely crazy and not to recommend at all

ShrikeGFX91 karma

Motivation won't help, you need a routine in which you feel bad if you don't accomplish anything. Discipline is key. Also you can just work on different parts if you can't/dont want to progress on one, thats what I often do

ShrikeGFX34 karma

Im not OP but studying overseas would be highly recommended if you live in the USA. Spend 1/5th for the same and youre on holyday basically without having your near future life ruined. For 80k you can have a pretty decent time or get a lot of cocaine. In all seriousness, I come from luxemburg with highest average income in the world and I wouldnt even dare thinking about paying 100k for a university, let alone the rest of europe.

I paid 25k for 2 years on a private school but you can get a degree for near free even. 6k debt at 1% so about +- 0 on the bank, really a bad way to start life but thats a very different scale. 100k seems so unreal. 6% interest loans, you guys are getting straight up scammed.

ShrikeGFX27 karma

Really enjoying the comics but there is one fatal flaw on the website and that is the navigation. Its basically impossible to watch old comics that are not the oldest without skipping through 100 pages. Maybe having a 6 month interval-led counter could help. Without the random function its a bell curve of inaccessibility basically where the oldest and newest are accessible but the rest isnt. Could this be changed?