Highest Rated Comments

Sigeraed39 karma

Hello team and thank you for doing this IAmA and groundbreaking work.

Context: People with complex trauma, developmental trauma, CPTSD often re-experience a lot of trauma by simply opening the door of their trauma and I personally can say that I would not have been able to heal with just 3 sessions. Many in the r/CPTSD and r/mdmatherapy communities believe that the 3 sessions protocol isn't enough to help deconstruct the entire self-referential, world-referential constructs that complex trauma engineers for survivors.

  • Can you comment on the findings of the clinical trial phase 3 when it comes to developmental complex trauma?

  • I wonder if in the future we are going to see some clinical studies that look beyond PTSD and more specifically at Complex Trauma (CPTSD) with a different protocol?

Sigeraed9 karma

Thank you so much for your answer, I agree integration sessions are the key to healing rather than the session itself. I think it is still very important to look at long-term support for such individuals too.

Many many thanks!