Highest Rated Comments

SixCrazyMexicans146 karma

Syrian American checking in :). We Syrians have it easier than other countries. A Syrian person speaking English is usually way less noticeable than an Indian or Egyptian or Chinese person. The Syrian dialect is very easy and light on the tongue in comparison to other dialects/languages

SixCrazyMexicans11 karma

Hey Victor! What do you think is the hardest part about getting into the video game industry? And also, could you shed some light on what you will work on for this upcoming game? The trailer seemed somewhat confusing but the text underneath explained a lot of the basic aspects of the game

SixCrazyMexicans2 karma

hey man, i think you are doing something awesome! just wondering,has it ever occured to you to make a youtube channel for fixing iphones,androids,etc?

EDIT: I also have a psp with a messed up screen. do you fix them too? I would love to do buisiness with you sir

SixCrazyMexicans2 karma

Bummer... but keep up the awesome work! Look forward to see you in Forbes magazine someday in the future :)