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Sle08109 karma

I am a server in a high end restaurant and choose to do this over using my degree in music education. I give good service to my guests and it's proven by the tips I receive (I average 18% on bad days but normally have outliers of 25%ers). I consider my work fun and enjoyable, however, I am struggling to with the actions of our manager/owner who uses the restaurant as a hangout and means to entertain his friends and smooz with rich clients. He micromanages us daily and gets in our way, messes up our orders when he expos and condescends us which has been tearing away at our morale. Do you have any suggestions on dealing with this kind of boss?

He does acknowledge that he needs to hire a manager but refuses to and expects some of the servers to work as managers at the last minute when he wants to do something that night. This puts those servers in horrible moods because they won't make the money they need to and servers who would normally act genially and enthusiastically now feel abused by the situation.

Sle0816 karma

If I do we should start a club.

Sle0813 karma


Sle0813 karma

I have approached him about the position myself but after doing the numbers it's not worth a pay cut. It would be more hours and less money over-all, not that I wouldn't work the hours but averaging the tips I make now I would have a significant cut. I think I may point out that hiring a manager would give him more free time and then he himself might decide that that's what he needs. Thanks for the advice.

Sle088 karma

I would like to see proof as well. Anyone can say they're a musician and get away with it on these forums.