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SmokyDragonDish121 karma

So, that mess I had to clean up? The manager who asked me to clean it up, HATED my guts. Hated, hated, hated me. I wasn't a fan of her either,reasons that I won't go into.

Anyhow, she was crying. Literally crying because she didn't know what to do. Said I could use any cleaning product the store sold (gloves and such included) and I could take as long as I needed to do it.

I took pity, because I could see that she was just another poor soul like me. lol.

It took like two or three hours. I mean, it was everywhere.

Did you ever see that live leak video of that 10-year old blackhead being removed from some poor woman's back? It was satisfying like that, as revolting as it was, to clean-up that mess and restore the natural order of things.

SmokyDragonDish108 karma

2) Somebody smeared shit all over the walls of a bathroom stall on the day we were getting inspected by corporate, my buddy cleaned it up and then said fuck it and went home for the day.

Never worked in a movie theater, but this happens WAY WAY WAY too often in the world in general. Do a reddit search on similar stories and try not to laugh or cry).

I once worked in a large drug store ( not one of the big two) and someone did this. The whole floor, the walls from the floor to about six feet high, the door, the door handle, the mirror, sink, faucet, commode, commode handle... everything. Everything.

You know that scene from Candyman where Virginia Madsen goes into that bathroom? That was nothing compared to that horror I had to clean up.

I've also never eaten Kung Po chicken since that day, for reasons that anyone reading this can intuit.

SmokyDragonDish30 karma

So, in a nearby town, they pulled a young person over. Suspected of having weed. They did a sobriety check on the kid. He passes. They search the car. They find nothing. They bring in a dog. Dog alerts on several places.

They impound the car. They took car apart. Panels, dashboard, carpet. If it could be removed, it would be removed.

Found nothing.

The car was totaled by the insurance company.

SmokyDragonDish22 karma

It's actually pretty common for people to leave rosaries in the narthex or someplace public inside or outside of a church.

I've "borrowed" these rosaries from time to time when I forgot my own when heading into a church to pray, but forgot to bring one of mine. When I'm done, I'll put it back.

So, it's very possible that rosary was used during that time. So, anyway you look at it, it was a nice thing that you did.

SmokyDragonDish18 karma

....drug sniffling dogs, lie detectors, bite analysis....