Snippins9 karma2017-10-02 22:40:34 UTC
They already downed a USN recon plane in the 60's and killed 31 service members. There was no retaliation then and doubtful a war would start today of something similar happened. But who knows.
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Snippins5 karma2021-06-10 18:11:17 UTC
Mandatory? Yes if you want to go to university and aren't rich. Strange question.
Snippins-2 karma2017-02-07 00:35:56 UTC
Most people I know wonder why religious people are assholes, arrogant, ignorant, cheap, unaccepting, etc. The list goes on and on.
Snippins-5 karma2017-02-06 07:58:39 UTC
Snippins-7 karma2017-02-05 23:27:51 UTC
You're in luck then. You can just pray away the cancer.
Snippins9 karma
They already downed a USN recon plane in the 60's and killed 31 service members. There was no retaliation then and doubtful a war would start today of something similar happened. But who knows.
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