Highest Rated Comments

Son_Of_Sothoth449 karma

Hi Mr. King. I am absolutely amazed that you are doing an AMA. I want you to know that you are the most influential man in my life after my father. You changed my life. When I was a kid, I wrote stupid, funny stories to amuse my friends. It wasn't until I was in 8th grade that I knew I wanted to be a writer. That was when I read The Green Mile. After I finished wiping the tears from my eyes, I thought to myself, "I want to make people feel the same way he made me feel. He made me believe these people, this world, all of it, is real." Thank you.

My question is about The Eyes of the Dragon. Will we ever find out what happened to Thomas and Dennis? The story says they find Flagg, and there is a very small mention of them in (I think) Wizard and Glass. Yet we never see the outcome of that encounter. Is there any chance they have twinners in The Stand or The Dark Tower? Do you have any plans to tell us? Thank you.

Son_Of_Sothoth183 karma

Mick, my name is Patrick and it's my 26th birthday. When I saw this was scheduled for today, I thought for sure it was destiny. I could go on and on about how much I love you, but you would get bored hearing the same old stuff.

I just want to say that when you hit TNA and your first match against Sting happened, I almost cried. My two favorite wrestlers of all time against each other! Thank you so much for everything!

Son_Of_Sothoth126 karma

Mick Foley replied to me! AWESOME!

Son_Of_Sothoth24 karma

Thanks! A Mick Foley AMA is an awesome present.

Son_Of_Sothoth20 karma

Do you think it's a good thing for Legends to keep wrestling well into their later years? People like Flair, for example? Or do you think there should come a day when management should step in and keep them in a support capacity only? I'm thinking of people like Jake Roberts, who seems to be suffering a lot for his art.