Highest Rated Comments

Starslip166 karma

God, I actually saw the tits-with-vagina thing on amazon. Creeped me out. This it?

Starslip136 karma

I remember seeing a clip of Teller, not sure it was from this show, watching someone do the cups and balls trick and bursting into delighted laughter at the end, not because it was a really impressive trick but because he couldn't figure out when the guy made the switch and that was a rarity for him.

Edit: Here's the clip

Edit 2: Rather, he's delighted because Teller sees him palm the balls and slip them all into the middle cup, as the trick is normally done, but when he uncovers them there's still one ball in each cup.

Starslip120 karma

Jesus christ...not even brutal, they were just unabashed assholes. Can't believe the upvotes some of that shit got. You'd think jump cuts killed their dog

Starslip37 karma

Gaming websites tomorrow: "Cultist Simulator devs promise a kitten to whoever creates a tutorial for the game"

Starslip18 karma

Roko's basilisk