Highest Rated Comments

StephMujan55 karma

So is the claim of "genocide" and systemic torture/rape/murder/organ trafficking credible or hyperbole by western media/politics?

StephMujan1 karma

Hi I am kinda dumb, dont know programming, just wanna say good for you, do you think I deserve my minimum wage working 12 hours a day at amazon warehouse? I not smart so I just work longer hours to survive.

StephMujan1 karma

How do you come up with good melody? Do you reference similar themes by others or do you blank it all out and start from scratch?

StephMujan1 karma

I know fusion is naturally occurring, but how realistic is it for artificial fusion to stabilize? It sounds like an impossible fantasy for money laundering according to some reports.

StephMujan1 karma

Faith how? The math and science is solid or in a maybe probably vaguely way?