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StevieBobby2 karma

Are the drums for Reflection's 100% real or are there any samples with it?

StevieBobby1 karma

Anything you could share about your signal processing chains: What do you use on vocals? Do you compress or limit guitars and are there any typical attenuation or boost when EQing? What frequency range does the bass live in? Do you use any parallel compression on drums? Ever experiment with a multiband compressor for mastering?

StevieBobby1 karma

Ever looking for an intern or apprentice? Someone fast at editing via hand, elastic, and/or beat detective? As I Would love to earn some knowledge from you!

StevieBobby1 karma

I am also wondering the same!

StevieBobby1 karma

Thank you for the tips! Would you mind elaborating more on the process of obtaining good guitar tone. When micing cabs do you use one or more equidistant and close, or do you use a room mic, any condensers or just dynamic? Do you use just the kemper or a blend of digital and real cabs, or do you use multiple heads with the same signal? What parts of the mid and highs in a guitar mix do you want to cut through or get rid of? Cool if it is too much to reveal, I understand, but as much as you are will would be appreciated! I have a degree in audio engineering and a couple classes from getting one in visual media/sound design, but none of the instructors had a metal background. Also to go off tangent any tips about putting sub drops into a mix, is it added after a mix of everything else? Thanks again!