Highest Rated Comments

Stormmando20 karma

+1 Hat!

Stormmando16 karma

How has being a NYT bestseller changed your life? Did you imagine that your work would be so wildly successful?

Stormmando2 karma

Hi Mr Klepacki, I just wanted to say thank you for this IAMA. I grew up listening to your music. My friends and I used to sing along to the C&C and Red Alert tunes!

What's your favorite drink?

Stormmando2 karma

Obama IAMA.. meh. Larry King IAMA.. awesome! JMTB02 IAMA.... holy crap is this for real????

If you could work at one game development company, or one gaming project, what would that be?

Do you think understanding game development theory is important to make a successful game?

What would you be doing now, if you weren't a flash game developer?

Stormmando1 karma

How do you know whether you have a good idea that is worth taking a risk on?