Highest Rated Comments

Strange_Thingies41 karma

It's like anything else in capitalism. The bigger they are, the lower the common denominator will be. There's a reason Wal Mart does not sell high fashion clothing items. The big players in cannabis will ultimately be those who cater to the cheapest, lowest common denominator and do so the fastest. When the bottom falls out of the market for the little guy it'll be the boutique specialty shops that cater to a knowledgeable consumer with an artisan product who are left standing after the other ma n pas have gone out of business. The problem is that any chode can pump out something exquisite. The hard part is cultivating your consumer. It's not enough to say "this is the best stuff, come git it". You have to educate would-be patrons without coming off as a PSA.

Look at successful examples in the craft beer market for the way forward. They aren't selling beer (they are, but that's the secondary product). They're selling a story. "This beer is made from previously extinct paleolithic grains that haven't been sampled by mankind since dinosaurs last shat in the woods. Now YOU get to participate in this unique event."

Strange_Thingies-1 karma

How about tell us what you found out instead of leaving the door open on a politically contentious issue? You know...like a real journalist?

Strange_Thingies-5 karma

Super unpopular question incoming: Do you really think selfish intoxication is really the issue your organization should be focused on, on the eve we all just lost privacy on the internet? Given your organization apparently had no power to stop that, why should we entrust the business of regulating marijuanna to you? I don't think pot as a recreational drug is a very important topic though I think the people, especially black people, who are sadly imprisoned for this frivolity are.

Strange_Thingies-5 karma

Typical dodge.

It's cute how your state refuses to enforce pharmaceutical standards on pot and then has the nerve to call it medicine in lieu of longitudinal studies and dosage normalization. You like hiding your questionable habits behind the socio-political smoke screen of helping sick people, don't you?

And the worst part is that this product really could help sick people but because of your state's piss poor handling of the matter there's a solid chance a rebellion against this movement could pick up steam. It's greed, Mr Polis. Your greed and the greed of your industry that will allow this to happen. Don't you think sick people deserve to be treated like people, Mr Polis, and not political McGuffins?

Strange_Thingies-7 karma

Contrarian horse shit. THIS is why you don't work at Vice anymore. Journalistic standards are standard for a reason, and no, it's not to control the masses.