Highest Rated Comments

Strawbalicious8 karma

Hey James. What has been your biggest influence or motivator in developing your skills with the guitar? I'm self-taught and I love your music - actually I grew up to my mom always singing it and playing it and its in the soundtrack of my life - but I struggle greatly in trying to play it myself.

By the way, the only time I saw you was when I was really little and you were playing the Theater at Madison Square Garden right after your twins were born, and I yelled out "congratulations!" You probably don't remember, but congratulations again.

Strawbalicious4 karma

Oh! James, I've read that you and Paul McCartney have been great friends ever since he signed you with Apple Records. Why is it so rare for the two of you to perform? Is it just because of different styles?

Strawbalicious4 karma


Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

Strawbalicious2 karma

Did you hear about/see footage of the unfathomably long security line at Chicago's Midway yesterday? Here it is just in case. How can situations be allowed to get this bad? Are there supposed to be ways to prevent this?

Also, some people pointed out that congesting so many people could provide terrorists with a target similar to what happened in Brussels a couple of months ago. Is the TSA aware/prepared for that possibility?

Strawbalicious2 karma

Hey Wally! I absolutely love your work in Chris Nolan's films. You've got an amazing eye and skills.

How nervous have you been feeling about Transcendence, given that this is the first big-budget film that you're directing.

Also, I'm a college student studying video production. I'm hoping to get into the TV/Film industry, and I have a particular interest in making feature films or documentaries. However, my professors have told me that around 80% of people trying to get into the film industry are videographers. My question is: What can I be doing now to beat the competition I'll face when I get out of school? Is it really all about having luck and connections?