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StrayDogPhotography1389 karma

How does the financial side work out? Who pays the bills, and what does your money go on?

Also, what about female Hikikomoris, are they common? Every mention of the phenomenon seems to only mention men.

StrayDogPhotography71 karma

It’s owned buy wealthy foreign oligarchs, so I would say it’s basically the same as all the other British Newspapers.

StrayDogPhotography62 karma

I knew a lot of people working in Westminster and for MPs, Local government, etc through a girlfriend. My take on the whole business was that class and contacts counted for a lot.

For example, as may be expected, most of the people were connected to their employers through the old boy network, Oxbridge, or the public policy postgraduate schemes from UCL. And nearly everyone had been offered their job unofficially before the official recruiting process had begun.

One of was from a family of lifelong Tories, very cliched Tory background, kid of a Vicar, boarding school, Oxford, etc became constituency secretary to top minister.

One was a labor shadow cabinet secretary of some kind, was kind of the Labour opposite cliche, family connected to unions and NHS, same ethnic background as the MP, had interned with them while a politics student.

I think both parties have a type they like, and they stick to it.

My girlfriend at the time was recruited via a chain of given a job through a family friend in the media, the media job got her a friend in the charity sector, then that job got her a job in local government. Also, private school, Oxbridge, masters from UCL.

I also knew a ton of SPADs, Dominic Cummings types, at that time. They were all arrogant, pseudo-intellectual fuckwits from a rich family playing at Iago. None of them had experienced a world outside of university politics and advising. It was shocking to find out they were helping to write white papers and generally give political advice. I felt the nepotism in the whole system was far less damaging than the system of special advisers attached to particular politicians who were basically purely motivated by trying to grow their own political power behind the scenes, or push their own twisted political ideologies.

On a related note, I have never had interest in working in politics, or ever applied for any work related to it. However, I did get offered a job in the Lords off the back of selling guitar gear. A customer I had was the head of a big international charity, and he straight out asked me if I would like to work for a Lord his charity was connected to simply based off the fact I had similar interests to him, and a couple of chats we had about politics. It reaffirmed my belief that it’s not what you know, but who you know.

StrayDogPhotography37 karma

Did you actually create a dating app based on the plot of the Akira Kurosawa masterpiece Ikiru?


StrayDogPhotography8 karma

A Russian oligarch with connections to the Russian intelligence services who was given an honour by the current prime minister that frequently parties on his yacht.

Maybe the independent should investigate that, along with Johnson’s mismanagement of the COVID-19 epidemic.