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SunflowerRainbow1 karma

Is it possible to live in Antartica as a vegetarian (I eat eggs and diary though).

SunflowerRainbow1 karma

Thanks for making my day by answering my question! Another question if you are still available to answer it - do you have any other upcoming projects after Justified?

Also I love the red hair!

SunflowerRainbow1 karma

Alicia, I have loved you since your days on Cybill. I was around Zoe's age at that time and a lot of things you did with that character resonated with me growing up. I loved how you played your own piano. My mom used to coax me into practicing more whenever she saw you play on the TV show and say "you can be as good as her!"

How different were you from the character you played on Cybill and how have you changed personally and professionally since those days?