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Teach22121 karma

As a fellow high school band director, I tip my hat to your sir. How do you juggle home life vs school life? I'm finding it harder and harder to keep my job separate than what my "life" is. If I'm not working on something, I feel almost guilty because whatever I work on, it will positively affect my students. 95% of the days in the fall, I leave home at 6:30am and don't get home until 10:00pm (Damn marching band ha). Spring it eases up a bit, but with Jazz band it still leaves me at school until 10pm 2 days out of the week. So how do you handle your work life and home life?

Teach22121 karma

Yep, I too am a single male living on my own. I have to keep reminding myself to live life and not be a work-a-holic. I need to find myself a wife, and as you mentioned above in another post, I'll NEVER find my wife in the classroom (once a student, always a student).