Highest Rated Comments

TexasWalkerRanger52 karma

stupid question maybe...can deaf people have tinnitus ?

how would you like people to approach you if they are behind you and they want to tell you something...like touch your shoulder? or try to walk around you so there is no physical contact?

cheers mate

TexasWalkerRanger8 karma

how much money do you make ?

plus: kannst du schon deutsch sprechen ? :-D

TexasWalkerRanger8 karma

dude how is 3rd bundesliga? any chance to really become a first class player? have never watched a game to be honest...i stick with the first liga.

TexasWalkerRanger6 karma

i really doubt that eskimos have to justify their traditions... it was not them that slaughtered those poor creatures to near extinction.

how many words do you know for "snow" ?

TexasWalkerRanger2 karma

i do NOT mean this in a funny way:

do u feel awkward ? when i hear breast cancer i picture the poor ladies having to deal with it. but a guy?

all the best dude