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ThatKir2 karma

Given that Zen Masters consistently and explicitly reject the cultivation of virtue, compassion for all beings, and wisdom, why do you teach things like:

Proper practice includes cultivating mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom

Given that Zen Masters consistently and explicitly reject meditation as related to their teaching, like in the following excerpt:

Virtuous monks, when I state that there are no dharmas outside, the student does not comprehend and immediately tries to find understanding within. He sits down cross-legged with his back against a wall, his tongue glued to the roof of his mouth, completely still and motionless. This he takes to be the buddhadharma of the patriarchal school. That’s all wrong.

Why do you then teach the following which you claim is related to zen?

In the Buddhist tradition, meditation is understood as self-cultivation, a process of working with our mind and body to develop focus and clear perception. The aim for developing focus and clear perception is to realize our true nature and bring out our full potential in wisdom and compassion and share it with the world.

ThatKir1 karma

Thich Nhat Hanh is not a zen master and his religion isn't associated with zen despite its claim to the contrary.

Zen Masters weren't interested in promoting harmony, peace, and compassion. Didn't you hear about that guy who chopped a cat in two when the audience couldn't say anything? How about that guy that questioned a priest to death?

They rejected those values as being irrelevant to zen.

ThatKir1 karma

If a guy comes to an "AMA!" forum and is afraid to answer questions about his religion's phony claims about zen then it's safe to say he hasn't studied zen...at all.

Zen Masters aren't interested in the doctrines espoused by Buddhists, or anyone else for that matter btw.

Why would anyone feel particularly thrilled by pointing out someone's illiteracy? It's just a public service announcement.

ThatKir-1 karma

Your sangha claims to be associated with the zen lineage despite teaching the following religious doctrines:

Realization of Chan is the direct personal awakening to the interconnectedness and dynamics of life

The teaching starts with facing the self, accepting the self, maturing the self, and eventually letting go of the self, which is awakening of wisdom and compassion that leads to harmony, peace, and compassion for the world.

Chan teaching encompasses four key elements: confidence, understanding, practice, and awakening.

It's obvious to anyone who has read Yunmen, Wumen, Linji, or any other zen masters that those teachings and practices are completely bogus, phony zen, and are regarded as trying to polish a brick to make a mirror.

Some people need A, so a teacher gives A. Other people need B, so B is given. What works for one person may not work for another. What works in the past may not work in the present.

Zen Masters don't claim people need any sort of wisdom, religious cultivation, or awakening to a higher truth, why lie about this? Why give poison to healthy people?