Highest Rated Comments

TheHomelessTurtle141 karma

I'll tell ya what you need to do, punch that condor right in the face!

TheHomelessTurtle1 karma

First of all I'd like to say I loved Mary Shelley's Frankenhole but a question, How often do people make fun of you because of your name?

TheHomelessTurtle1 karma

I'm glad you're doing this AMA and thanks for everything you've already said but what was the best/worst part of being a pilot then?

TheHomelessTurtle1 karma

Just looked at the steam page and the game looks great! When I can I'll pick it up but anyways, what was the best part about building this game? And the worst?

TheHomelessTurtle1 karma

Well that sounds pretty great, I've always heard that game design is one of the most fun jobs around