Highest Rated Comments

TheMaskedHamster151 karma

Man, almond butter is amazing. You never realize that peanut butter is bitter until you taste almond butter. Mmm.

TheMaskedHamster143 karma

You should totally do an AMA for the ones you can prove.

TheMaskedHamster43 karma

So, Popeye's is my favorite restaurant. Hands-down. But everywhere I've been, it's super-inconsistent. Sometimes that chicken's delicious, sometimes it's... less so.

I can't seem to pinpoint why. Is there a certain time of day I need to buy chicken to make sure it's crispy and golden brown, and not hard and leather brown? I'm always going to enjoy it, but I'd like to bring some foreign friends to experience Popeye's and I'm afraid of them getting a sub-par experience.

TheMaskedHamster19 karma

We do a lot of trial and error though, we've definitely lost bucket loads of money on events I've miscalled.

Is the loss that high? Certainly, booth fees, travel, and hotel expenses add up but they are typically aren't in the "bucket loads" range alone. What are the factors that turn a small loss into "bucket loads"? Or is this many small losses over time?

TheMaskedHamster16 karma

I'm not familiar with the equipment, so this is only a guess based on general technical knowledge, but would the right choice in digital equipment allow you to play things that aren't recent feature films (or older films that have survived on 35mm?)?

I would imagine that would enable a lot of options for creative events to get people into the theater.