Highest Rated Comments

TheNoobtologist119 karma

Dr. Gupta, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA. As an individual interested in medicine who is also prescribed medical marijuana, how do you feel about other healthcare professionals who use marijuana medicinally? For example, is it acceptable for a surgeon to use marijuana at night time to help with his/her insomnia or chronic pain?

TheNoobtologist73 karma

Is there a common mistake that a lot of people make when looking for a new job?

TheNoobtologist37 karma

Also, don’t implants come with their own set of risks? Like bone infections? They have to drill them into your jaw.

TheNoobtologist7 karma

Intent to do imminent harm has to be explicitly described by the patient for a physician to be lawfully obliged to contact authorities, at least in the US.

TheNoobtologist7 karma

I don’t recall Dalio ever recommending options. I believe his stance is that you should own gold and silver, not the option to buy them. Hopefully this is money you can afford to lose. I’m also down my SLV and GLD call options, but I have a position that’s inconsequential to my overall portfolio.