Highest Rated Comments

TheSelfGoverned189 karma

She attacked him for 10 minutes and yet didn't even mention the purpose of his fillibuster:

To prevent US citizens from being assassinated in drone strikes on US soil.

TheSelfGoverned127 karma

To this day it sits in the hallway near his old pod, never touched.

How sad.

TheSelfGoverned24 karma

O'Reilly mentioned that he gets paid very well to play a hateful conservative character on air during the Jon Stewart debate.

TheSelfGoverned17 karma

Thanks to this one simple trick!

TheSelfGoverned10 karma

Your organization is working harder to maintain our civil liberties than any branch of government or government institution, yet you are a private and independent institution. Why do you think this is?

Has democracy failed us? If so, how can citizens make a difference?