Highest Rated Comments

The_Chaos_Pope249 karma

As a story board artist, do you have any input to the script? Or does some writer's lackey drop a pile of unstapled pages on your desk and say "Get to work!"?

Also, can I get a Spongebob wearing a pope hat, standing in front of a crowd with a semi-confused look on his face?

The_Chaos_Pope44 karma

Why did you sell Origin Systems to EA? Was it the giant pile of money, or was there another reason?

The_Chaos_Pope25 karma

Too many people regard prison as punishment and not rehabilitation, including most people involved with the prison system. I believe this is part of the reason that the US has such a high recividism rate.

The_Chaos_Pope13 karma

I'm a fan of raspberry cheesecake

Heretic! You shall rue the day you turned your back from Turtle Cheesecake!

The_Chaos_Pope6 karma

Not to change the focus of your question, but are you continuing to experience issues with memory loss? This is becoming a major issue for many Afganistan and Iraq war vets and believed to be caused by repeated and frequent concussion damage


