Highest Rated Comments

Thrazkh34 karma

What did an average work day look like from start to finish?

Thrazkh17 karma

Thanks! Was there any kind of schooling happening before your shift? If so, how would educating children of different ages and and abilities be possible seeing as it was a rather small facility? Or, alternatively, was there in any way shape or form some kind of plan to get these kids to be normal functioning teenagers/adults after their time is up e.g. by providing education in one trade skill or another?

Thrazkh1 karma

At least in germany there's a stigma around it. I personally don't mind it, as (as far as I know) it's considered "not unhealthy", I've just been curious.

Thrazkh1 karma

Well on the one hand you've got purists claiming that you don't need to enhance the flavors of ingredients "chemically" and it's just a lazy way out (an argument could be made about salt doing the same thing) and on the other hand using MSG is usually compared to restaurant owners being lazy and not buying fresh produce to begin with (instead aiming to increase the quality of food via chemical means) - hence a lot of restaurants advertising they only use fresh produce with no artificial flavor enhancers.

The second argument has some merit, I suppose.

Thrazkh-2 karma

How do you feel about the usage of MSG in quite a lot (according to my thorough research on YouTube :) ) of chinese dishes? Is it generally accepted in China? How about the cleanliness of most street food places or corner shops? What would you recommend a tourist eat when visiting china?


Edit: Downvoted for asking a question without even criticizing the usage of MSG to begin with, stay classy.