Highest Rated Comments

Throwinuprainbows20 karma

You are truly a beautiful person. This has been a fantastic ama.

Throwinuprainbows3 karma

Hi there, I use gaming as a form of meditation while extremely sick with a nervous system condition. if you are ever doing a research project on pain management/ physical disassociation gaming can cause, please dm me.

have you worked on gaming and neuropathway repair/re-pathing(using VR to gain back body movement and control)?

what non invasive neurotechnology did you work on?

Throwinuprainbows2 karma

have you studied this in relation to learning and memory. I swear I remember where every turn, pick up, story, entire conversations ive only heard once...

why can I remeber things so easy in video games but not in real life? Any idea as to the mechanics behind this phenomenon?

Throwinuprainbows1 karma

and your like awe i had plans and now neeeeeed to get to a safe place as soon as possible. Stress, lack of eating/nutrtion, to much acid, a stomach churning thought, a terble smell, guilt.

have you ever had a migrane the same time as an attack...it blows

Throwinuprainbows1 karma

Omg this is straight truth, Fuck stomach acid!