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Thunt_Goblins79 karma

Seriously? Minmax is totally buff! I don't see how... oh, the bald thing. Right. Naw, Minmax and Kin aren't based off of my wife and I.

(The following contains a light trigger warning...)

Kin's history is based off of my Mother. When she was 16, she was kidnapped by four guys and repeatedly uh... yeah (she was held for a couple days). Originally, I'd never planned to publicly mention this, but when I was attacked last year for "making light of rape", my Mother insisted that I tell her tale, to put the haters at ease. I chose not to and later learned that my Mom was actually pretty mad that I never explained where Kin's background came from. She kept telling me to contact the people mad at me for using rape in my story and explain all of this to them. We actually kind of argued about this for months after the whole "Thunt is making light of rape" thing blew over. This is the first time I'm mentioning this publicly now, so I guess Mom will be happy that I finally let the secret out.

Thunt_Goblins48 karma

The comic is 'sillier' at the beginning because that's a tone that's easier to set when working with characters that the readers don't know yet. You can't really touch emotional stuff until everyone's gotten to know the characters (at least it's harder to do so). Remember when the characters were first introduced in Aliens? Lots of comedic one liners to help you get to know the characters. Then it's all "AAAH! THERE'S ACID IN MY FACE!"

Re: karmic retribution- I think you've just explained 85% of all stories, everywhere. :)

I like Minmax too.

Thunt_Goblins38 karma

I have a question for Matt, Phil and Danielle... what's it like working with Tarol Hunt? I hear that he's so talented and handsome!

Thunt_Goblins36 karma

I like the theories that are completely weird and crazy. I'm all like "Hey, check out what THIS guy says!". The theories that are better than what I've written piss me off because I'm a petty, jealous man.

Oh and we'll see the GAP as soon as we're done with this Maze of Many arc. And it's almost done.

Thunt_Goblins36 karma

The whole story is written out to the end. I finished writing it about eight years ago.