Highest Rated Comments

Tod_Gottes272 karma

You are so awesome for going out of your way to offer specific help (thats outside your company!) to someone on how to educate themself. Keep up the amazing work.

Tod_Gottes86 karma

Not in the US. I think it's illegal in most states but still somewhat common, so you end up with doctors doing it off the books. "hey here's a ton of pain medication to help you be more comfortable. Make sure you don't take at least 7 "

Tod_Gottes14 karma


This guy from my hometown was arrested for saying under oath "i did not murder my girlfriend" and found not guilty. Later images were found that showed him raping and murdering her.

Tod_Gottes10 karma

This entire thread does. Elsewhere someone from a self described "foreign country" asked for help furthering their education. He looked around their history and saw they were in nigeria and linked to local programs and schools that can help him. I know amas are all about pr, but thats still above and beyond

Tod_Gottes7 karma

Really trying to milk reddit for all of the exposure you can, huh?