Highest Rated Comments

Tog_the_destroyer1286 karma

What do you want for Christmas?

Tog_the_destroyer109 karma

Hello Mr. Smith! I have a friend in your neighborhood and I was hanging out with them and we were all doing stupid dares. Me, being a jackass, volunteered to play reverse dingdong ditch (it's where you go up to somebody's door instead of running you insist that they're knocking at your door. Pretty silly, but funny as hell). She said that you lived in her neighborhood. I immediately volunteered to go up to your door. I did, thinking it would be a cake walk. As soon as you poke your head out of the side of your door, I freaked out and couldn't do it. I know that you're really nice guy! My dad bumped into you once at the post office and said you were such a cool individual. However, I was totally petrified of you shoving your foot up my ass once I planned on arguing. So instead of playing the game, I asked your address, you told it to me, and all I could stammer out was, "wrong address." Then I walked away. So my questions are do you remember me? And did you think that your persona from That 70's Show would carry over into real life?

Tog_the_destroyer60 karma

I like you. You've got moxy kid

Tog_the_destroyer43 karma

I earned it!

Tog_the_destroyer24 karma

It was probably around 2, 2 1/2 years ago