Highest Rated Comments

TomServoLover113 karma

Hi Paul! Thanks for doing the AMA! I have four questions!

So, you've been in music for 34 years, and have been in electronic music for that time as well, and I'm wondering how do you feel about current state of affairs with electronic music, where it's headed, and where it's been over the past few decades?

What song always gets the crowd going?

And what is your favorite venue to play at and why?

And, as a DJ, what has been your greatest accomplishment and why?

TomServoLover98 karma

What has been your favorite part of your latest project?

Who is your favorite basketball player from the 70s and 80s?

TomServoLover6 karma


1) How do I become as awesome as you?

2)I have Tom Servo tattooed on my leg. Does this make me cool? I am working on getting a Crow tattoo soon. Forgive me.

3) If you could have any super power, what would it be, and why?

4) What was your favorite skit from the MST3k era?

TomServoLover3 karma

Do you and Logistics ever argue like brothers would?

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

Any advice for new D&B DJs?

TomServoLover3 karma

You have made me the happiest redditor ever. Thank you. I used to watch MST3k as a child and you, Kevin Murphy and Mike Nelson have all been heroes of mine since I was a kid. Thank you.