Highest Rated Comments

TurboVerbal5 karma

Hey Congressman Ellison, big fan here. My question is more social than political. As the first Muslim congressman you have a unique insight into both the religion of Islam and American democracy. My question is what do you think people can do to be more proactive in fostering better understandings between these groups which have so many misunderstandings between each other?

TurboVerbal1 karma

How do you write articles with such effective brevity? You and Matt tend to write many quicker pieces than your colleagues at Slate, even compared to other blog writers. Is this a philosophical choice on your part or simply the reality of the need for speed in your reporting?

TurboVerbal1 karma

Dave, a lot of your best reporting gets into the psychology of political activists. If you weren't a reporter, would you be an activist and what kind of activism would you engage in?

Pithy Twitter remarks, while hilarious, mostly have some degree of passive nihilism to them, I'm in interested in what you'd consider most important as an agenda if you could have a dog in the fight instead having to remain largely "objective."

Also, any recommendations for a reporter searching for interesting sources for stories in DC?

TurboVerbal1 karma
