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Tyler_Haagenson3 karma

I'm coming out with some music really soon and I'm debating how worth it making physical copies of the E.P. would be as in how many if I do. I've heard you were constantly giving out cd's and promoting your music all the time, so I was wondering given the status of downloads ect if you would still do the same physical copy distribution now days or not?

Tyler_Haagenson2 karma

Hey man, when you are recording tracks is there a number of guitar tracks you usually like to start out with? How much does it affect the mix in contrast to the drums/ bass vocals? Cheers.

Tyler_Haagenson1 karma

What do you feel is some of the best promo a band or artist could do? I see lyric videos, play throughs ect. Any and all? Suggestions?

Tyler_Haagenson1 karma

Hey Cam hows things been!? We were on Eyal's course at creative live together. I was wondering what you like to do as of guitar tone on DTG stuff. Do you use two different heads to create a unique tone or something more basic? Thanks man, hope all is well.