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Term limits! YES. I took a term limit pledge and though I have heard both sides of the argument on why we need seasoned representation I have full confidence that new repsentatives can and will quickly learn and be the leaders we need.
Can you claify about what the profit share model you mentioned would look like?
I love how you left out everything else from my OLD linkedIm. If you want my resume im sure we can arrange that.
My dog grooming business is something I worked insanely hard and put myself through school for so yes very experienced there.
6 year military vet, Project manager for ballpoint media firm, cook and manager at waffle house, prestige advisor for Ulta, Part specialist for Oreillys auto parts ( yes I actually like to work on cars, can thank my dad for that) to name a few. When you work full time and part time for 15 years straight you aquire a few jobs.
You're right. Of course all politicians say they are for the people. And, I would guess that most of them believe it. Let's face it, the biggest egoes often don't have enough self-awareness to see how they are failing the people that voted them into office. They believe so firmly that they are right that they never stop to have a conversation about why they are wrong. I think most reps have good intentions, but most are also out of touch with reality and parrot assumptions and stereotypes that they took on at an early age. They take them for truths rather than ideas that can be reshaped by experience or conversation.
Gun ownership is not the problem, and banning guns is not the solution. I do support gun safety education and tax incentives for gun safety devices. I would like to see a federal level system come through that makes is easier for people to legally obtain firearms and decrease black market sales. I also would like to see loop holes closed for violent offenders.
Yes to RCV! Too many people vote simply based on not wanting to "waste their vote"
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