Highest Rated Comments

UsernameNeverValid5 karma

Hi! I am in love with Futurama and want to say hello! But, my question is do you like walking down the street and people only knowing your voice?

UsernameNeverValid4 karma

Hi! I'm a 15 year old girl who is obsessed with computers. (When I was 13 I rebuilt my schools website). I have 3 questions for you...

1) Do you know of hackerspaces? 2) What is your life like right know? 3) Do you listen to Upvoted? (If so you should be on it!)

UsernameNeverValid3 karma

Thank you so much for responding! STEM is by far male oriented. But, getting girls into STEM is one of my passions. My webpage class last year had 18 students...2 girls. I do everything I can to encourage girls to figure out why there picture on Instagram is on Instagram! Thank you so much again for replying!

UsernameNeverValid3 karma

For those people who dont know what it is, it stands for Girls Exploring STEM. It is awesome. Thats where I first got into Wepage design.

UsernameNeverValid3 karma

Thanks! Have you heard of GESTEM?