Highest Rated Comments

VictorHunter9 karma

Never EVER stop making games starring pretty ladies. Wayforward games are like the 50s pin-up calendars of the video game world. Masterfully crafted with a perfect marriage of technical skill and creativity, observing the medium through the lens of a true artist weaving reality with fantasy, objective with subjective. Also boobs.

Don't ever let anyone tell you there's no place for a bit of tasteful cheesecake.

VictorHunter2 karma

I've taken every step possible to let them know that I want to see DDN and Bloodrayne on WiiU. Maybe a port might give them enough reason to want an update.

VictorHunter2 karma

Are there any investigations that you wish you could have done radically different or delved a lot further into? And how do you determine when enough is enough when investigating a cult or community?