Highest Rated Comments

Volvo8022 karma

Actually, I thought of some. How long on average does it take you to program an app, and do you use a program or start from scratch? If you use a program, it'd be nice to know.

Volvo8022 karma

Its nice to hear a success story. My condolences to your family. Family is what means the most to me. I've begun learning code from as many free sites as I can. I'm hoping to try and excel at it and at least make a decent living. Seems like coding is quite a trade to get into if you can. I guess I don't have any questions for you that aren't personal. Though if you'd ever care to take me for a ride in your Lamborghini, it would probably the most exciting part of my life to date. I've always had an extreme desire to be around such cars, as how they aren't just machines but works of art. Though I can say I'll likely never have the opportunity too. I'll likely be sticking to my basic "single" turbo cars :P I just appreciate your time on AMA as its an inspiration for me to keep going.